Sunday, January 8, 2012


Living the one life you been given...I'm exhausted by being told this or asked this in print and in person.   Seems we are constantly reading about the life you CAN live?  REALLY, are you following every step of every best seller on the list of how to live the best life now from the best seller list...?  Yes, no, maybe?

I would ask it this way.  ARE YOU LIVING "IN" YOUR OWN LIFE.  Are you living in someone else's shadow(s) so much so that you get no sun.  You don't bloom, grow, change for the better (your better by the way, not theirs).  If you see light, you feel warm rays shining on you...are they yours?  Or, are you getting just enough light to keep you contently serving the one blocking your sun?  So often we feel good serving the ones in front, next to, and even behind us that it, in itself is fulfilling.  Yet, we don't grow our own desires.  We bend and mold our desires and they become distorted and less pleasing to our person, but more pleasing to the one blocking our sun.  Yes, there is always a time(s) where this has to be, but not so much so that we grow cold, frail, and weakened to the point of not basking in our own sunlight (what I will call ENERGY)!

So many times we fall in the trap of reading and preparing for our lives.  More books, and articles about how to "do" our life better...before long realize you have not even taken the time to go do the very things you keep reading about.

The person I used to be was the person who read and applied the ideals, but because they came off the black and white so perfectly nothing was perfect enough for the one looking for perfection.  I used to say I could or would do certain things after I saved enough, went to school more, ran faster and farther, ate better, and the list went on.  Consumed by the idea that something out there was going to be more perfect or more normal then the very moment I was living.  Guess what?  It was perfect and normal, because it was the very moment I was supposed to be in.  Which led me to this moment...the one looking back on time lost, never to be returned.

OBVIOUSLY, time and preparation are needed keys to success, but lets not forget about the simple process of actually walking out our front doors and taking the actual steps to apply the very ideals/laws we are trying to learn.  How will we know we have learned them if we don't risk "it"...WIN, LOSE, OR DRAW!

JUDGES, yes!  You will find many.  NO FEAR-They just have not realized what you to live their own life!

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